04 January 2008


Generally, I try to avoid the overly cliché "New Years" speech about the things that have happened, and the lessons I've learned. But, this year, I might do something different. I just might give in and recount the highlights of my year, in hope that I will find things to be grateful for, and to look at what I've overcome.

In January I moved to Kennesaw after living in East Tennessee for six months. I learned to not freak out when I got lost on the way to the grocery store, and to try to resolve conflicts peacefully with my roommates. I started college...

February, I turned seventeen..and I got a job as a hostess at Shogun.

March 2007 was full of ups and downs. Yari and I threw a surprise 18th birthday party for David. I also rear-ended a truck at 40 mph and totaled my car. Living without a car for two months helped me appreciate my mobility, but it also stressed me out to rely on other people so much. I also had to quit my job.

April was when I had a barrel fall from the ceiling onto my phone in a restaurant. I got my Blackberry pearl, which landed in the toilet a couple weeks later.

May, I finished my first semester of college. 4 A's, 2 B's. 18 hours. I spent 3 weeks with my family in Tennessee. When I arrived, my Saab 9.5 was in the garage.

June & July I took 9 hours (all A's) and spent a weekend at Orange Beach with Madison. I got a good laugh when my Stats prof recommended me to be a math major. This was when I decided to change majors from International Affairs to English. I went to a Braves game and to the Atlanta History Center. I also read all of the Harry Potter books for the first time.

August I spent two weeks with the family and then started school again. Only 12 hours..I needed the break. I moved into the Honors Building and I began my duties as President of the French Club. I made several new nerdy friends, and I became really close with my roommate, Becca.

September I went to Loca Luna a lot. = )

October I was sick the whole month, and had to deal with being treated badly by those who claim to be Christians. I dressed up as a witch for halloween, which was the first time I was "allowed" to celebrate the holiday...haha.

November I planned a French Cocktail party for over 300 people. It was a ton of work and I prepared a lot of the food myself, with the help of my dear friends. I visited Cleveland and went to Brasstown Bald for the first time with Becca. I spent Thanksgiving with my family in Tennessee.

December I surprised myself with a 4.0. & I celebrated...I spent three weeks with the family in Tennessee, went to North Carolina for over a week during Christmas, and visited Madison in Pigeon Forge.

There is so much more that's happened, but its can be summed up by saying its been a year of learning, a pretty tough year emotionally & spiritually, but its January and I've made it through. I'll be back in Kennesaw tomorrow.


Anna said...

beautiful girl,
you should write again. I miss your writing.

Corinne said...

Agreed. You need to post! I miss you! I'm sorry we didn't get to see each other again over break. I'll be home for Easter, but I bet you'll be out of state with family.