13 May 2008

I cannot begin to tell you.

I cannot even begin to tell you how I've grown over the past three months.

And while a lot has happened, I don't feel that I have much to say.

I've discovered the power of forgiving, even when someone isn't asking for forgiveness. Growing up in a Judeo-Christian home, forgiveness has always been a buzz-word of sorts. But, I think I have always misunderstood the purpose of it until recently. I thought that forgiveness was for the trespasser's sake: to set them free and clear their conscience, to restore the relationship.

How wrong I've been! While yes, forgiveness is incredibly helpful to the one being forgiven, the vitality of forgiveness is for the forgiver. To forgive will set you free. Whether the relationship is restored, or whether they even care, it's so important to find peace in forgiveness, for your own sake. Holding grudges is so stressful, painful, and toxic, and it causes more damage to yourself than anyone.

Anyways, I'm now working at Anthropologie (about 40 hours a week). I'm really enjoying it, though the hours are late. Most nights I don't get home until midnight. I feel like I don't do much other than work. I guess I don't.

I'm transferring to the University of Georgia in August. I was also accepted at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. I would have loved to attend, but UGA is more economical, and the boyfriend is going there (that explains it, right? haha. The more economical part was a joke, though its true.) I'm going to find an apartment next Monday!

I'm very excited about moving, but a little apprehensive. I've never even been to Athens before. We'll see how it goes.

I will be taking summer classes starting in June, trying to finish up my general ed classes. I'm still an International Affairs major, and I'm thinking of maybe going into law. I would like to get a M.A. in International Law and Human Rights from UPEACE, and attend law school and be an international human rights lawyer. Who knows though. It's just an idea.

I'm going to call it a night.

Hopefully I'll post again soon.

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