18 December 2007

Pods, Chinese Babies, & Puppies.

Two trends that might be related...PODS and Chinese babies. I've heard that Chinese babies come in PODS (Portable On Demand Storage), as PODS are everywhere we turn, and so are Chinese babies. My aunt has beautiful red hair, and my cousin has beautiful black hair, my guess is she came from a PODS. Think of it as a stork for parents adopting from China. So, if your neighbor has a PODS delivered to their yard, you might be hearing a baby crying (or practicing kung fu) soon.

Another trend that might be related... I've noticed quite a few young married couples getting puppies. It's like a test run for children. If you forget to feed the puppy, maybe you shouldn't be popping out any babies soon. It's a way for a husband to buy some time on the maternal need to nurture, as well. Oh? You want a baby...? And he gets her a puppy to hold her off for a couple of years. I think the time frame is about two years. If you have a puppy, I estimate it will be two years before you find out you might be having a little one. (Didn't know I had my own horoscope did you?)

Just some random thoughts.

I'm heading up (technically it would be "down") to North Carolina today. Hope all of you have a wonderful holiday. I know mine will be grande, as I'm spending it with my grandparents, aunt, and cousins, (including my wonderful cousin from China, Katie. The only other girl in the entire gaggle of grandkids).

Love and Peace,

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