18 November 2007

Coffee House Mouse

Finals are approaching, and my apartment is as distracting as ever. For the goal-oriented side of me, I have packed up the essentials and relocated to Caribou's across Atlanta. I put in four hours yesterday, and I'm in the middle of a decent five, today. The most exciting part? I am actually accomplishing work! If I continue, it's looking like I could conquer the world by July 2009.

I am reading "Interpreter of Maladies" by Jhumpa Lahiri. It is a collection of short stories that are brilliantly written and surprisingly simple.

I also read "How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents" last week, which instead of being the shallow novella I was expecting, was full of social, psychological, and cultural conundrums. It didn't creep along the typical spine of chronology, but rather this novella had serious scoliosis: jumping back and forth between the past and future, occasionally landing in between. It was a nice effect.

I've discovered that I like folksy music, i.e. Great Lake Swimmers. I also like Canadians.

David and I want to move to Alaska.

Did you know you can cut out over 100 calories by ordering your coffee with no whip? Yes, its that simple.

Tea is what the soul is made of, I am convinced. (Note: Orange tea tastes similar to battery acid. Though I'm not exactly sure how I know.) Tazo, Teavana, and Yogi make me happy. Fermented tea is wonderful as well. It's called "kombucha."

love. love. love.



Corinne said...

You're moving to a coffee shop? I so confused.

I recently was told about the store Teavana, and now I can't wait to get home to check it out, because there's none over here.

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