30 May 2007

I am not ready to give up my summer.

Nevertheless, the school system is ripping it out of my hands today, as I start my summer classes. Goodbye short and sweet freedom. You will be missed. On the other hand, I am looking forward to Statistics and America Since 1890.


I passed my English CLEP exam. The head of the writing center called me to report that my paper was well-written, though I had several misspellings and a couple comma errors. I assured him that I knew how to use spell check, we simply hadn't been able to use it on the test. That phone call brought a smile to my face; for some reason, I wasn't expecting to pass it. Not only did I pass it, but he said that my paper was well-written! Why do I have so little faith in myself?

It is difficult for me to grasp that it is nearly June. My first semester lived and died so quickly, my break passed before my eyes.

I have a felt a fresh breath of air; blowing away an apathetic, depressed, numbness that swallowed me at the end of last semester. (Or perhaps it was really lurking throughout the semester, I just wasn't interested in admitting its presence.) I feel an excitement about life, the future, and my purpose that has been dormant for too long.

"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting." -E.E. Cummings

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