26 March 2007

Little cabin in the woods...

Life seems to be coming at us faster and faster.

The educational system is especially in a hurry now a days: schools are starting earlier and earlier...our two - three month summers are something that the next generation, that my children and their children will most likely not experience. One must begin to prepare for college not during the senior year of high school, but the sophomore year, the freshman year, before we know it, our sixth graders will probably be discussing which colleges they hope to apply to and strategies for studying for the SAT.

This stream of thought was brought on by registering for FALL classes today. Yes, in March I am registering for classes that don't begin for another 6 months. I have yet to even know how this semester's grades will turn out, without having to figure out what I'm studying the next semester. Truly insane.

When I think of the great lengths that one must go to just to merely register for these classes the words: inhumane, illogical, impractical, ridiculous, and stupid come to mind. None of them are the correct words, but they are what come to mind.

Override forms, office after office, paper work on top of paper work, emails, phone calls...

I propose living in a small cabin in the woods with books and music. Who's with me? (Sorry, you'll have to get your own cabin.)

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